Nic Preddle

Nic Preddle

Nic brings a wealth of practical experience to his work as a facilitator, coach and trainer

Nic brings a wealth of practical experience to his work as a facilitator, coach and trainer. He spent two years practicing law before he decided to follow his real passions in outdoor education and improvisation, training as a sea kayak instructor and joining the Wellington Playback Theatre Company. Combining these skills, Nic founded Clued Up, an NZ-wide events company specialising in team building programmes and experiential training events.

Over the past 20 years, Nic has honed his skills as a trainer and coach working with business teams, community groups and sports teams. He has a natural, grounded enthusiasm and spontaneity that draws people together and ensures everyone has a great time while at the same time meeting their learning objectives. In his spare time, Nic enjoys coaching Junior Football, mountain biking, watching movies, travel and drinking coffee.

Our Facilitators

IMNZ works with more than 20 of NZ’s best facilitators and coaches to deliver our leadership development courses and programmes.

Our facilitators are seasoned practitioners with at least 10 years’ experience or more in their content areas. They draw upon their professional accomplishments and career experiences to deliver personalized, practical learning, and offer valuable, applicable insights.

You’ll find that many of our facilitators come from a wide range of industries and sectors. They frequently serve as instructional designers, managers, coaches, human performance improvement professionals, and consultants.

Lisa Mandic

Lisa Mandic

Richard Millar

Richard Holtgrefe

Denis Square

Denis Sartain

Rhys Watson

Rhys Watson

Richard Millar

Gabi Berto

Christine Wattie

Christine Wattie

Nic Preddle

Nic Preddle

Nic Preddle

Fee Hosking

Nic Preddle

Elizabeth Clement