Fee Hosking

Fee is an award-winning professional development trainer and change management consultant with more than 30-years-experience working in Australia, South Africa and New Zealand.

With a passion for people, Fee prefers to support people to dig deep on their leadership skills, and has delivered training to teams globally.

With qualifications ranging from a diploma in industrial relations to a masters in counselling and psychotherapy, Fee’s passion is empowering people in the workplace, especially those in management, to become effective team members and inspiring leaders.

Watching her course participants grow in self-confidence and know-how, and seeing them utilise their improved skills back on the job is a major driver for Fee. She prides herself on helping to set people up with good foundations to support their inter-personal communication skills, to grow their self-respect and create a collaborative atmosphere.

Known for her client-focussed and participative style of facilitation, Fee focuses her sessions on creating a supportive atmosphere to encourage positive uptake of learning. She believes people learn better in context, and thrive when they understand their own abilities and how to get the support they need. Fee says that she herself has succeeded as a result of being managed by senior staff who trusted her but were always available to help.

Fee believes in hiring people with the right attitude and growing their skills. She believes success happens when people are intrinsically motivated and are able to flourish in a growth mind-set workplace. 

Our Facilitators

IMNZ works with more than 20 of NZ’s best facilitators and coaches to deliver our leadership development courses and programmes.

Our facilitators are seasoned practitioners with at least 10 years’ experience or more in their content areas. They draw upon their professional accomplishments and career experiences to deliver personalized, practical learning, and offer valuable, applicable insights.

You’ll find that many of our facilitators come from a wide range of industries and sectors. They frequently serve as instructional designers, managers, coaches, human performance improvement professionals, and consultants.

Lisa Mandic

Lisa Mandic

Richard Millar

Richard Holtgrefe

Denis Square

Denis Sartain

Rhys Watson

Rhys Watson

Richard Millar

Gabi Berto

Christine Wattie

Christine Wattie

Nic Preddle

Nic Preddle

Nic Preddle

Fee Hosking

Nic Preddle

Elizabeth Clement