Hernandia Zoleyeke

Hernandia Zoleyeke

“The course helped me understand as a leader I need to be bold, genuine, honest and trustworthy.” Hernandia Zoleveke was looking for some flexible training that would allow her to step up to the next level in her career, and also balance family life with work. She...
Arieta M Davi

Arieta M Davi

“The programme has provided me with useful tools on how to lead myself and lead others, support and manage a team through change, receive and provide feedback, effectively use technology in the workplace and lead strategically.” Arieta M Dagi felt privileged to be...
Evelyn Jarua

Evelyn Jarua

“The course facilitators really cared about my progress, putting in time to check up on how I was progressing”   Evelyn Jarua was excited by the opportunity to undertake the Project Management Fundamentals course via the New Zealand Short Term...
Tanvir Bhamji

Tanvir Bhamji

Managing is all about the people, and managers have an opportunity to set the tone for their team. The ELEVATE (Leadership Essentials) Programme will help you better yourself to better others. For Tanvir Bhamji, Headwork Consents Manager at Watercare Services Ltd.,...
Michelle Pickles

Michelle Pickles

As an inexperienced Manager, Michelle looked to IMNZ’s Elevate (Leadership Essentials) programme to up-skill and gain the confidence she needed to succeed. Why did you seek out training with IMNZ? In her busy role as Media Personal Manager, Michelle looks after a...