Now, more than ever, it is a critical time for us to all come together and play our part in the COVID-19 recovery effort – and to support our leaders and managers with the tools to help them step up in these challenging times. With that in mind, IMNZ ran a Virtual Summit Series: Doing More With Less – Leadership in Difficult Times.
We were pleased to hear feedback about the success of the event, with many attendees commenting about the speakers hitting a chord with them.
We thought we would share a few key points made by each of the great speakers we had along on the day. We hope you find what they had to say as useful as we did!
High performing teams
A good business is usually a happy business. If you have people who are empowered and engaged they generally work better. You have to empower your people so that they are capable of delivering great things – Andrew Barnes
Dealing with underperformers
No one comes to work to do a bad job. If you assume, they have a positive intent, instead of labelling individuals and having dead-end conversations, it allows you to diagnose what’s going on and figure out what’s needed. – Dhriv Dhur
Dealing with issues and building trust
When red flags within your team occur, you have two options 1) Do Nothing or 2) Do Something. By doing nothing you imply you approve of the behaviour. By doing something you show that you don’t approve. Doing something takes courage, especially if you don’t know what the outcome will be, but it shows your intentions and willingness to take responsibility which builds trust with your team. – Nic Preddle
Taking on the challenges of a new role
Some sound advice given to me earlier in my career is ‘You’ll step into something that feels uncomfortable, frightening and challenging, but once you do that (and take the leap) your horizons open up and you don’t look back.’ – Sinead Boucher.
Dealing with uncertainty
When dealing with times of uncertainty, evaluate your present state and then agree what the desired future state looks like, identify any gaps, make your plan and then act. – Angela Vale
What’s expected from good leaders
The two most important qualities expected of a leader are; the ability to execute well, and the ability to move quickly to sort out people issues. – Dr John Peebles
You are not alone
Nobody ever does anything meaningful alone – people in positions of leadership are only there by virtue of those that are following/supporting them. – Chlöe Swarbrick
Thank you once again to all of our wonderful speakers and our participants who joined us for the series. We hope to be running more leadership series webinars in the future so make sure you sign up to our newsletter to stay in the loop.
Take care and stay safe.