Learn To Be An Outstanding Leader Even In Difficult Times

It’s tough being a leader, especially when curveballs like COVID keep getting thrown your way. Trying to do more with less and lead a team through times of uncertainty is hard – but you’re not alone. Leaders across the country are in the same position and that’s why IMNZ’s Virtual Summit Leadership Series couldn’t be more relevant.

It provides the opportunity to network and discuss issues and ideas with other leaders, hear from experts in the industry and ask for advice on how to tackle problems, all from the comfort of your office chair. If you haven’t already signed up for the Summit, you can do so using the buttons below.

Answers to Event FAQ

What are the series dates and do I have to attend everything?

In this series, there will be a main summit event followed by two webinars – all of which give you the chance to listen to speakers, ask questions and learn from IMNZ trainers. The main event will be held on Wednesday 19 August, and the shorter webinars will be held on Wednesday 26 August and Wednesday 2 September.

You can attend the entire event series, or just drop in for the speakers you’re interested in. Click here for the timings of specific speakers. Recordings of all the speakers will be made available to attendees at the end of the event series. All you need to do is register to get access.  See Event Details

How do I get into the events?

You will receive an automated email closer to the time, providing you with the link and the instructions you need to attend the events. It pays to make sure that you’ve clicked the link and signed into the platform before the event starts. 

What system is the event held on and do I need to download any software?

The event will be hosted on a platform called Hopin and you don’t need to download or install anything. All you need to do is click on the event link in the email that you’ll receive.

I’ve never used Hopin, how does it work?

Hopin is very much like a physical event venue, where you can enter different rooms and conversations. Watch the video above for a quick run-through.

How do I ask questions?

If you have any questions you’d like to ask at the event, you can ask them on the day through the chat function, in the live Q&A sessions or send them through to us at [email protected] and we’ll pass them onto the speakers.

Register for your attendance

Register for an event you’d like to attend. This will give you free access on the day and ensure you’re supplied with copies of the recordings to all sessions.


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