Why talking is working

Why talking is working

Do you value chit chat? Perhaps it is because of the way we were schooled, but many managers today believe that silence is golden – the golden sound of productivity. While most of us understand a chat during our breaks is essential to staying sane, it might be a...
Being brave in business

Being brave in business

If someone asked you what being brave in business looked like, what would you say? Perhaps a good example for you is Elon Musk allowing Tesla tech to remain Open Source? Or Reed Hastings transitioning his Netflix subscription service into online streaming for early...
Accountability vs responsibility

Accountability vs responsibility

You’ve got a few years of experience under your belt, and you’ve stepped up to a leadership role. You feel you are ready for the responsibility. But are you acting in a way that is accountable? And what is the difference between the two?  Understanding expectations...
What makes a leader resilient?

What makes a leader resilient?

As a leader your job is to build and maintain a strong, sustainable team which requires resilience. Here’s how…. Leadership is a constant process of reinvention, or, at the very least, fine tuning. As a leader you have a responsibility to make sure your style is...